Nano Colloidal Silver: The Fastest Way to Help Heal Your Family Pets

<br /> Nano Colloidal Silver For Pets: The Fastest Way to Help Heal Your Dog or Cat

Your pet is part of the family, so you wouldn’t keep them inside all day. They need some time outside and is why it’s highly suggested to use the nano colloidal silver for your pets! Here are some reasons why you should use nano colloidal silver for your dog, cat, bird, hamsters, horses, all your family pets:

colloidal Silver For Pets

It Can Help Prevent Diseases and Infections

When your pet is outside or visiting other animals, they are more susceptible to disease. Diseases like parasites, bacteria, and yeast can be harmful if your pet is not kept healthy. Luckily, properly made nano colloidal silver from is a natural substance that can help your pet prevent and reduce health issues and diseases.

For example, a common infection in dogs is thrush; this is an abnormal growth of the yeast that lives in their mouth. Thrush is caused by an increase in yeast, which is a condition that can cause a number of problems.

If a dog has a lot of thrush, it can cause bad odors and affect a dog’s ability to eat and drink. Yeast infections can lead to serious complications in some dogs so being aware of the signs and taking your dog to the vet as soon as you notice anything unusual is a good idea.

It’s Natural, Non-Toxic and Safe for Your Pet

Nano Colloidal silver is a natural substance that has been used for centuries for human health. It is not a drug or synthetic substance, so it does not carry any negative effects. Unlike so many antibiotics, it is not only safe for humans, but it is safe for your pets.

colloidal Silver For Pets

Nano Colloidal silver is an antibiotic that kills bacteria, yeast, and parasites. That means it can be used to treat many different infections like dental disease, UTIs, ear infections, gum and throat infections, yeast infections, and skin infections.

Many people use nano colloidal silver for their dogs or cats to treat UTIs. UTIs are infections of the urinary tract. It is most common in cats, though it can happen in dogs too. Cats with UTIs can become very painful and a UTI can sometimes cause your cat to have a false urine sample (pee outside the box).

It Has Healing Properties

Nano Colloidal silver has properties that promote healing. Research shows that it can help prevent and treat viral, fungal, and bacterial infections. That includes UTIs, skin infections, dental infections, and even dogs with Cushing’s disease.

Nano Colloidal silver can even help damaged tissue like severe burns and wounds in your pet. It has been used in hospitals for generations (still is for burn victims) until a synthetic penicillin became the “go to” antibiotic. This new antibiotice (a story for another day), also brought the ever increasing mutations of disease.

colloidal Silver For Pets

Synthetics do not kill bacteria like Nano colloidal silver and is far better than any other antibacterial in our humble opinion, which many university studies have confirmed. 

  can help improve their health and healing rate, along with improving blood sugar levels in diabetic pets and help reduce the risk of kidney damage.

Nano colloidal silver from, is made with a proprietary system using a very high electrical charge. This keeps the nano particles in suspension, never falling and collecting on bottom of glass container. 

The nano colloidal silver is below 8 microns, which is necessary to penetrate the invading infection cell, smother the enzyme and killing the bacteria dead. So you have no mutation, no stronger strain to worry about and develops an immunity boost which is required for better health.

colloidal Silver For Pets

It Can Improve Your Pet’s Health and COST EFFECTIVE!

Nano Colloidal silver can lower the risk of certain diseases, which means your pet will live longer and be less likely to need costly veterinary visits or medications.

Why not help improve your pet’s quality of life? It can help prevent & treat various health issues like UTIs, discomfort in recovering from dental disease, injuries, skin infections and yeast infections that may cause your pet pain and discomfort.

Nano Colloidal silver can be a valuable addition to your pet’s health routine, it’s super simple to do and is quite cost effective.

Final Words

Killing the bacteria and fungus dead, is the key to becoming & staying healthy. Nano Colloidal silver has been used by humans for many years as a natural antibiotic and anti-viral. is formulated to be safe for all your pets to use at home.

Being a natural substance that has been used for centuries, it does not carry any negative effects. It can be used to prevent and treat a number of health issues as a preventative medicine and it can be used to improve your pet’s health and quality of life.

colloidal Silver For Pets

Nano colloidal silver is a valuable addition to your pet’s health routine and you should be using it every day.

5 Best Ways to Use Nano Colloidal Silver

<br /> 5 Best Ways to Use Nano Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is an ancient remedy that has recently made its comeback. It is a non-toxic, odorless, tasteless solution to humans and family pets, that consists of microscopic particles of nano colloidal silver. These particles are electrically suspended in water and can be used as a home remedy for numerous things. When you have an infectious disease, the last thing you want is to expose non-infected people to it. Doctors often suggest that those who have been exposed to the virus take precautions to reduce the chances of passing it on to others. Nano Colloidal Silver is one such precautionary measure that you should consider using if you or someone else has been exposed to a virus like the flu or RSV. Below are a few ways you can use colloidal silver to help build your immune and take care of your family and your pet’s health.

How does colloidal silver work?

The basic idea behind properly made Nano Colloidal Silver is that particles of Nano Silver are suspended in double steam distilled water.

colloidal silver

It’s also wise to know the difference between inferior made silver solutions and properly made Nano Colloidal Silver. The properly made Nano Colloidal Silver particles will not settle on the bottom of your glass container and inferior made silver solutions will be easily seen as sediment. Properly made Nano Colloidal Silver will also be tested by an unbiased certified testing laboratory and the supplier will happily show the test results. Nano Colloidal Silver particles have excellent antimicrobial properties. If you have an infection like a cold or flu, the Nano Colloidal Silver particles go directly to the area of the infection, killing the bacteria responsible for causing it.

There are many studies that have proven the benefits of using Nano Colloidal Silver. These include studies that show its ability to treat SARS, HIV, flu etc. It has also shown effectiveness in the treatment of MRSA infections and bacterial STDs.

colloidal silver

Before purchasing any Nano Colloidal Silver supplier, your supplier will have testing results that are easily reviewed. If thery don’t have the results to review, you should reconsider spending money on a product that is not proven.  to see the effectiveness of their

Use Colloidal Silver to Treat Staph Infections

When someone has a staph infection, they are likely to have other conditions as well. If they are also suffering from a respiratory disease like asthma, they are at a greater risk of getting a serious infection. Many people turn to Nano Colloidal Silver to treat staph infections when they have them.

Staph infections are caused by bacteria similar to E. Coli, S. aureus. These bacteria can cause infections of different parts of the body like the ears, nose, lungs, etc. When someone has a staph infection, they are likely to have other conditions as well.

colloidal silver

If they are also suffering from a respiratory disease like asthma, they are at a greater risk of getting a serious infection.

Studies have proven that Nano Colloidal Silver can kill these bacteria and reduce the risk of developing a staph infection. You can use colloidal silver to treat staph infections by placing drops in your infected area 2-3 times a day. You can also use it to disinfect the affected area.

Use it for Sore Throat Treatment

Sore throat is a common condition that affects many people during the winter season even spring, summer and fall. It is caused due to an acute inflammation of the throat. There are several home remedies available that claim to work on sore throat, however, Nano  Colloidal Silver has been found to be particularly effective.

Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic that can even treat strep throat and acute bronchitis.

colloidal silver

It affects the throat in a manner that reduces the inflammation and eases the pain. The pain is reduced by inhibiting the growth of the bacteria responsible for causing the inflammation.

If you have sore throat, you can try mixing a few drops of Nano Colloidal Silver with warm water and drinking it twice a day. It can also be sprayed in the throat to ease the pain.

Use it for Nasal Congestion Relief

If you suffer from a stuffy nose caused due to a cold or allergies, Nano Colloidal Silver is one option you should highly consider. It has been found to have amazing anti-inflammatory properties and also been proven to loosen congestion and treat allergies.

When someone has a stuffy nose, their sinuses are swollen due to inflammation. This leads to headaches and irritability as well, which is why Nano Colloidal Silver is such a low cost and effective remedy for this.

colloidal silver

It has been shown to lessen the inflammation and reduce the pain caused by a stuffy nose.

Nano Colloidal Silver is also soothing to the eyes and has anti-oxidant properties that can help combat the damage caused by free radicals. It is a very safe substance to use and is therefore an excellent option for people with allergies or allergies to antibiotics.

Nebulize The Nano Colloidal Silver Liquid For Best Results 


Nano Colloidal Silver is a natural remedy with powerful antimicrobial properties that can be used for a variety of purposes. It can be used for burns, scrapes, cuts, as a daily mouthwash, throat spray, nasal spray, used in a nebulizer when you need to attack the infection at it’s deepest level for the fastest results. Being one of the most powerful methods to treat bacterial infections, it is a safe and effective solution that can be used by people and family pets of all ages.

Online Marketing: Answers Every Local Business Must Know To Best Attract Buying Customers 

<br /> Online Marketing: Answers Every Local Business Must Know To Best Attract Buying Customers 

 Get Started… Get Found… Get Selected… Get Connected…

Use this comprehensive template to move your business forward quickly. Prior to any consultation with your online marketing specialist, the business owner needs to be able to communicate effectively. 

Many business owners speak in industry jargon and talk about features (the quantitative amounts or things) instead of benefits (what the value is or means to the customer or prospect). It’s really important that you determine in “Plain English” so that regular people understand what it is. 

In your own words, tell me about your business…

What makes your business unique?

What is your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)?

What makes you stand out among your competition?

It’s very important to get specific here. The more specific the easier it is to help target the market your business requires. 

Who is your ideal customer? “Everyone” is not an answer! Where do they live? How old are they? What sex? What are their hobbies, interests, income, and family status? Are they married? Do they have kids? Where do they shop? Who do they like?  Income Level?If you can define your clients, you will grow with new clients!

Is it better for you to find new customers or to sell more to current customers? Many clients will instinctively answer ‘both’ to this question, so we need to know which is ‘more important. The

Online Marketing

reason this question is here is to determine the type of follow up marketing that may be necessary. 

So of course, everyone needs new customers, however, the business owner may do much better with upsells to current loyal clients and concentrate on a follow up marketing campaign to that specific target group. 

What’s the long term value (LTV) of a new customer in your business? This question serves several purposes. It gets you thinking about what a customer means to you in terms of dollars. It then, in turn, helps you understand a sensible budget for marketing the business i.e. lets you know what you can spend to bring in a customer and be profitable. 

When you get a new customer how long do they stay with you? How often do they come back?

What is the average price point of your products?

Most clients have a successful business that has been running for some time.

Ask yourself these questions as we require the customer’s unbiased answers for their current marketing. This gives us insight as to any current marketing we should know about that you may have missed.

How do you attract customers in the door?How do you market your business now? Using any of the following types of advertising?… Yellow page, newspaper, TV, radio, billboards, postcards, flyers, etc.?

How many leads months are you getting with your current marketing methods?

Are you happy with that many leads a month or do you think that they can be improved upon?

What are you currently spending on your marketing budget?

Do you currently have any online marketing at all (Website, Soc Media, Google My Business?)

Your Business needs to be here. Google created a FREE search & ranking directory for every single business they can find. These listings, called Google My Business (GMB/Maps), feature local businesses that provide solutions for common searches.

The best 3 optimized GMB’s are seen first and placed on top of the search results, in a map, for free.

You’ve probably seen the MAPS when you’ve done a search, they’re the red pinpoints noted on the map with 3 businesses listed on the left of page. Your GMB/Maps listing is really important for local businesses, as over 70% of searches see & use these GMB/Maps listings and never search any further.

Based on the above, to what extent is having a good position on Google My Business/ Maps important to you? It significantly improves you’re business being seen when searchers want your products/services. 

Having a website (electronic business card) is one place for people to find you online. Imagine what it would be like if there were 1000’s of places online that would send people directly to your website.

Let’s talk some numbers.How much traffic (visitors) do you get to your website each month?

Do you have an opt-in (email capture) to collect leads?How many op-ins do you get each month?

Do you have your client’s emails in an email management system?How often do you send out emails?What is your open rate when you send emails?(10% Open rate is considered really good)Do you sell anything with your emails?How much do you earn a month from your mailings?

 Do you realize, every customer you could ever need, is on social media? 

Social Media is one of the fastest growing areas of the Internet.

There are over 800 million active users on Facebook, 300 million users on Twitter, YouTube has over 2 Billion views a day, there are over 135 million businesses and business owners looking to grow their business on LinkedIn. 

How many likes do you have on your FB page?How many times a day do you post?Do you have customer engagement, interaction on your page likes, comments and shares?Have you ever run Facebook Ads?

When we share your message on these social sites, directly to your audience, what kind of impact do you think we can have?

To what extent is having a dominating presence online for your local market important to you? How would that improve your business?

The world is becoming more and more mobile every year, which makes it critical to get your business listed & recognized, in as many online and mobile directories as possible. The people using these online directories are “on the go” wanting answers immediately.

They’re either looking for you specifically, looking for the best 5 STAR RATED BUSINESS and/or looking for the the products/services in their area. If they can’t find your business first, they’ll simply go to your competition, typically with the best 5 Star Ratings.

Over 90% of people treat ratings/reviews, as serious as a “word of mouth” recommendation, from a family member or personal friend.  Do you look for reviews and ratings prior to calling or visiting a business?Is it important for your potential clients to see you are trusted & liked by satisfied clients?How Many Reviews/Ratings do you have currently? Are the current – less than3 months old?Who are your biggest competitors?

Do you think your competitors are doing a good job marketing online? Which competitor’s marketing do you like?What are their strong & weak marketing points online?

To what extent is being found in the mobile directories important to you? How would this improve your business?

Finally, what is your current monthly marketing budget? (If you don’t have one, we will help you determine where to begin)

What is your ROI-return on investment-for each marketing avenue? (Example you spend: $400 on Valpak every month how much do you make off of it?)

Answering these questions, you’ll be on the upswing against your competition right away. It’ll

help us send your message(s) to your exact local buying community, create the best ROI to meet your goals and grow your business nurturing the loyal existing clients, plus add new ones on a regular basis. 

Contact Us Now…   

Living a Healthy Life

Living a Healthy Life

In the quick paced world that we reside in it can be simple to neglect our health and wellness. We’re so busy racing through our day to day lives– family, good friends, work, social engagements– that we do not put in the time to care for ourselves. It’s actually not surprising that that a lot of people are exhausted and diminish. What are some simple things that we can do to improve our lifestyle?

Drink Drink Drink … You’ve heard it a million times and you’ll most likely hear it a million more– beverage more water!

Think about it: The body is 72% water. A 5% drop in fluids develops a 25-30% loss in energy. A 15% drop in fluids triggers death! At this point in time 66% of us aren’t drinking sufficient water, so over half the population isn’t working on all 6 cylinders to start with– before things like bad air, bad food and stress take their toll.

Alternative Medicine

It’s not truly a difficult thing to correct. Just drink one glass of water every half hour approximately– or 10-12 glasses of water each day– and you’ll see a huge jump in your energy levels.

Living Food– Loving Life!

An unfamiliar reality is that heating food above 116 ° F ruins much of the nutrition content. Thinking about that we already aren’t eating enough veggies, that’s a fairly significant problem. Nutritional experts suggest 5 serves of fresh vegetables each day. The number of people are really taking that guidance?

An excellent way to get the nutrients discovered in fresh veggies without investing all the time at stove or consuming raw celery sticks is to juice your veggies. Ensure that you own an excellent juicer (some juicers expose vegetables to heat developed by friction during juicing, which breaks down important enzymes), get some fresh veggies and consume your way to good health.

It takes a fraction of the time (there’s no cooking involved, for one thing) and it’s convenient. You can take your juice to work and even offer some to the littlies for school lunches!

Wheatgrass in specific is an exceptional source of nutrition. It’s high in chlorophyll (sometimes described as’ plant blood’because it closely looks like human red blood cell molecules) and has more than 100 components that the body requires. Fresh grains are another outstanding source for vitamins and minerals.

Energy In– Energy Out

Workout is another unclean word for most of us. The important things is, exercise doesn’t have to be badly time consuming or mind-numbingly dull. There are plenty of options.

Years ago health clubs usually offered weight spaces, aerobics classes and perhaps a tydro-circuit. Now you can include water aerobics, yoga, pilates, dance-ercise, action classes and a whole variety of new exercise choices.

If you don’t truly have the time or cash for the health club, or choose to spend your mornings/nights at home, then attempt a stationary bicycle or walker. I ‘d be lost without my exercise bike– I set it up in front of the tv and pitch away happily during my favourite shows.

If, like me, you experience health problem or injury or your level of physical fitness is quite low, you might like to think about some indispensable recommendations that I obtained from my doctor:

Once you’re physically unfit, and especially if you’re also unwell, it can be a mammoth battle to just do the most very little amount of exercise in a day. The risk is that lack of exercise leads to more loss of energy, which becomes a self-perpetuating cycle until you can barely leave the couch.

An exceptional way to return into a physical regimen is to begin gradually.

Ridiculously gradually, it may seem. For the very first couple of weeks, walk/ride for 5 minutes each day– precisely 5 minutes, no more, even if you believe you might continue. When the 2 weeks are up, increase to 7 minutes, then 10 minutes, 12 minutes … continue to slowly increase your activity until you’re at a level that you’re comfy with.

It may sound a little ridiculous, but it works. In result, you trick your body into producing more energy. You’re developing your workout time up so slowly that your body does not truly understand what’s happening. Follow this method and, prior to you understand it, you’ll be conveniently exercising within your limitations every day.

So, folks, that’s the essentials. If you can reorganize your life a little to allow for better consuming routines and a little workout, and if you keep in mind to just consume a glass of water every half hour or two, you’ll be well en route to living a healthy life.

On a final note, don’t forget to take some peaceful time on your own. Practicing meditation is an excellent method to reduce tension. You don’t need to sit around for hours, just give yourself 5 minutes of peaceful time every day– even in the shower, if that’s the only location where you can get time out– and have a little catch up with yourself.

And, last however by no ways least, laugh! In reality, laugh like a loon– the louder the much better! You’ll be astonished at just how much such an easy thing can raise your spirits!

The War Against Drug-Resistant Bacteria Raves On

The War Against Drug-Resistant Bacteria Raves On

safe antibacterial

Finally, after years of cautions from health authorities of the growing danger posed by drug-resistant bacteria, people are now listening again about Nano Colloidal Silver. A deadly pressure of antibiotic-resistant bacteria seems to be responsible in the death of more people every year, according to a research study released last week in the Journal of the American Medical Association. 

An approximated 19,000 deaths in 2005 seemed triggered by deadly bacterial infections, a much greater number of mortality than that of AIDS, emphysema or homicide. The current casualty was a 17-year-old high school football player in Virginia, a grim reminder that Community Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, or CA-MRSA, can preyed on otherwise healthy individuals.

According to Dr. Charles Gerba, professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Arizona at Tucson, the very best defense against the possibly deadly bacterial infection prevails sense and tidiness. “We require to transform health for the 21st century,” he said.

pencil erasing bacterial

“You go to a supermarket, and hundreds of thousands of people have actually touched those surfaces every day. Microorganisms are progressing really quickly.” 

CA-MRSA is thought about mainly a skin infection. Typically, it appears like a pimple, boil or spider bite, however it rapidly gets worse into an abscess or pus-filled blister or sore. Clients with sores that will not recover or are filled with pus must immediately see a medical professional and ask to be evaluated for staph infection. They need to avoid squeezing the sore or try to drain it as it will only spread out the infection to other parts of the skin or deeper into the body.

The majority of MRSA cases happen in healthcare facility settings, however, 10% to 15% take place in the neighborhood at large amongst otherwise healthy people. Those who are prone to cuts and scrapes, like kids and professional athletes, are most likely to get contaminated.

MRSA spreads easily through skin-to-skin contact, crowded conditions and the sharing of infected individual items. Additional care must be taken by individuals who have routine contact with health care employees, those who have actually just recently taken antibiotics, such as fluoroquinolones or cephalosporin, homosexual males, military recruits, and detainees. 

In order to lower the danger of contracting MRSA, individuals must be serious with routine hygiene, such as bathing and cleaning their hands prior to meals. It is recommend to use antibacterial sanitizer particularly our Nano Colloidal Silver Liquid, Soaps & Lotions, after you’ve been in public places, or have actually touched hand rails and other highly trafficked surfaces. Always ensure that cuts and scrapes are bandaged until they heal. Routinely wash towels and sheets, preferably in hot water.

Prevent sharing individual items such as brushes, combs, razors, towels, makeup, and cell phones. Dr. Gerba’s own teenage girl had once contracted MRSA infection and he ultimately tracked the bacteria to her cellular phone.

10PPM Liquids, All Natural Soaps & Lotions

She had shared it with a pal whose mother operated in a nursing home. Dr. Gerba went on to find MRSA on the pal’s mobile phone and makeup compact and on a counter top in her house.

MRSA germs might be discovered on the skin and in the noses of almost 30% of the population without triggering damage. Experts think the bacteria hides on surface areas in 2% to 3% of homes, automobiles, and public places. 

However, MRSA are developing, and the statistics might have already undervalued the prevalence of such deadly bacteria. At high risk are health clubs and fitness centers since the bacteria proliferate in warm, wet environments. Consistently wipe down fitness center equipment prior to use. The majority of people only clean up the sweaty benches, but MRSA has likewise been found on the grips of workout devices. 

So much have been stated about misuse of prescription antibiotics which enables germs to progress and develop resistance to drugs call SUPERBUGS.

3rd Party Testing Proof

Pediatricians must not be pressed by parents to prescribe prescription antibiotics even when they do not appear to help the majority of youth infections. If taking antibiotics, be careful of negative side effects & finish dosage. 
Antibiotic resistance is bad for everybody, however your body can likewise end up being particularly susceptible to resistant bacteria & bad side effects or worse if you do not follow dose guidelines carefully.
It is the best interest to help our readers to understand that Nano Colloidal Silver Liquid, is safe, odorless, non-toxic & the oldest & strongest antibacterial known to man. 

Our Nano liquid has been tested for several bacteria & fungus contagions, it specifically kills MRSA as you can see on the 3rd party test results on our website here ( ). 

If someone is searching for a safe & natural and proven product to superboost their immune system, has the answer. Also, the all natural soaps & lotions are infused with the 10PPM antibacterial liquid, to enhance the protection from germs every day. 

Nano Colloidal Silver Immune Boosting Supplement Or Snake Oil

Independent Lab Tests Kills 99.99% Bacteria & Fungus

Nano Colloidal Silver Immune Boosting Supplement Or Snake Oil 

Finally the veil has been raised from the cloaked Colloidal Silver story. The confusion is gotten rid of from the arena of use. Will this early 20th century patented drug, turned over the counter supplement, remedy what ails you or is it just so much hype that will take your money?

Colloidal silver has exploded on the internet as a supplement, heralded as a remedy all, and cursed by some officials that seem to be inspired by the big pharmaceuticals.

Colloidal silver is the oldest & strongest antibacterial known to man. It was commonly utilized as a natural antibiotic prior to the discovery of penicillin. Penicillin (the new anti-bacterial agent) became the drug of favor worldwide. Colloidal silver was pushed to the back of medical awareness and found little usage after 1929. However, the medical world did not stop utilizing silver. The amazing healing qualities of silver are continued even now within the medical system’s burn centers, clothing, band-aids and countless children have had a silver concentrate flushed into their eyes right away after birth.

Kansas City Royals 1985 World Series Winner Dane Iorg Testimonial

So if this natural antibiotic was once used so extensively, why did the doctors stop using it? Did bacteria establish a resistance to colloidal silver? Did it stop working? The answer seems to be a choice by the pharmaceutical industry, likely because making a synthetic drug is more profitable. No resistance to colloidal silver has been developed by bacteria and the benefits are as good today or better, as they were prior to 1929. Conversely, do a search for “superbugs” and you’ll see the world wide epidemic of mutating bacteria strains the CDC can not control.

A few smart doctors continued to utilize colloidal silver. Some sensible clients remembered this silver mixture and easily continued its use as it became an over-the-counter “supplement “. The body’s immune system fights all invasive germs, bacteria and fungus to help avoid the body from succumbing to illness.

Like any compound that is taken in excess the body deals with overdoses of a compound as a toxic substance and rejects the immune system overload.

Examining bacteria in a petri dish

As an example, wheat consumed in excess is toxic to the body. We recognize that excess grain in horses will cause them to founder and in many cases become ill and die. The result would be similar in people. Properly made Nano Colloidal silver when ingested in the amounts suggested as a supplement has scientifically revealed to be a body immune system support guarding against viral infections and bacterial/fungus infections.

Some producers of colloidal silver used to make an inferior colloidal silver which is silver chloride. This is not acceptable as it can cause the large particles of silver to build up under the skin giving a light blue shade to the skin. There are no known adverse effects taking nano colloidal silver that is properly made and consumed. There are no recorded deaths from taking this immune system boosting supplement, but a lot of federal government pressure attempting to halt the sale for no other evident factor than to appease the heavy lobbying pharmaceutical companies that appear to now wish to prescribe this remedy again.

Nano Colloidal silver has actually been sold as a dietary supplement for boosting the immune system in every significant natural food chain in the country for over 25 years. Properly made concentration of 10 ppm is the “standard” available in 2, 8 & 16 ounce bottles. 

THIS IS IMPORTANT…. How does one tell if a Nano Colloidal Sliver product is of the highest quality and actually kills the bacteria/fungus to boost the immune system? Before buying any colloidal silver solution, simply ask to review & confirm the manufacturer has 3rd party independent microbiological lab testing on their nano colloidal silver solution.
If the seller has no testing qualifications on their product for review, means you and the seller has no idea if the product actually works. Locate a legitimate supplier and do not accept a product without any testing.As an example, everyone can review the Nano Colloidal Silver testing results of

Independent Lab Results

on their website anytime, proving the silver kills bacteria and fungus within 4 minutes. It is the highest quality & least expensive solution on the market.
Testimonials have actually filled numerous websites of how colloidal silver has actually been advantageous. These unsolicited accounts testify of a natural antibiotic that has powers beyond simply being an immune system boosting “supplement “.

Video: Safe Antibacterial Colloidal Silver Benefits Kills MRSA Bacteria & Fungus

Our Colloidal Silver,has been Tested and verified by a highly respected Independent Microbiological Lab, Killing 99.99% Bacteria & Fungus.
Infections such as: Candida Albicans, Salmonella Typhimurium, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Enterococcus Faecalis, Trichophyton Rubrum, Staphylococcus Aureus.

Test results were performed by an Independent Microbiological Lab and were based on official methods referencing United States Pharmacopoeia, AOAC and Microbiologics. They have the proof & buyers need to compare.

It eliminated the MRSA, yeast infections, food poisoning, bone, skin, ear, eye infections and many more bacterias and fungus in the testing results.

Highest Quality Colloidal Silver exclusively distributed by, provides 99.99% Bacteria & Fungus Kill Rate & we have the proof other suppliers do not..

Nature provides the best antibiotic known to man, and current CDC fears, the mutating bacteria resistance to antibiotics is is a real warning that we need a solid alternative now! distributes Michael Clark’s Health, Hair & Skin all natural soaps & lotion products, which are guaranteed not to turn rancid.

All natural Body bar soaps, All natural hair shampoos, All natural skin lotions, are infused and blended with a proprietary method competitors can’t duplicate.

This process keeps all our natural products from turning rancid and rotten, protecting the highest grade of natural oils used as well. is your best provider of colloidal silver health products for health, hair & skin.

Visit & Order Online NOW. Safe Antibacterial Colloidal Silver Benefits All Natural Soaps Safe Antibacterial Colloidal Silver Benefits All Natural Soaps

Highest Quality Colloidal Silver exclusively distributed by, proven 99.9% Bacteria & Fungus Kill Rate.

Nature provides the best antibiotic known to man, and current CDC fears, the mutating bacteria resistance to antibiotics is is a real warning that we need an alternative now!

Our Colloidal Silver is an Independently Lab Tested & verified product, assuring the finest grade of colloidal silver for best results.

CCare Products distributes Michael Clark’s Health, Hair & Skin all natural products, which are guaranteed not to turn rancid.

All natural Body bar soaps, All natural hair shampoos, All natural skin lotions, are infused and blended with a proprietary method competitors can’t duplicate.

This process keeps all our natural products from turning rancid and rotten, protecting the highest grade of natural oils used as well. is your best provider of colloidal silver products for health, hair & skin.
See this video​ Acne colloidal silver solution
See our other videos here:​ Cincinnati Show​ Athletes Foot Solution​ Best Quality And Why​ How To Use Colloidal Silver

Contact us now for your best resource of #ColloidalSilver​ #AllNatural​ #NaturalAntibiotic​ #Bacteria​ #Fungus​ #NaturalHealthFood​ #Suppliments​ #acnesolution​

You Need To Know The Good News About COVID19

People Need To Here Good News… & Here It Is…

The world is shut down over an invisible enemy and there are many details and theories of what “invisible” actually means…

Regardless, at the top of the current news cycle, there is GOOD NEWS which we can share and have hope that the outcome is quick, safe and efficient.

Please SHARE this content with your family &amp; friends every day.

If any business would like to place this current daily news cycle on their website, we will provide it FREE and also update FREE every day!

But you have to let us know right away. We are here to help small business and helping your own customers is first.


It’s yours, easy to install and gives your customers a better outlook on this weird time…



Questions, Myths & Facts About COVID-19 From Medical Science is not necessarily in favor of the big pharma medical establishment, when it comes to drugs and typical treatments. It conflicts with natural solutions, common sense and natural laws.

So our followers will likely see the bias, able to quickly sort out the sensible.

There is a sect of people who do follow the main stream science and insist it is the only way. This is mainly for their use, due to science bias.

This is FREE & current, up to date information, updated regularly, a good source to share with those who follow it.

Just copy/paste the link in URL and send it on.