
Our “ILT” Colloidal Silver Makes Us Distinctly Different 

  • Independently Tested & Verified Showing 99.9% Kill Rate On Bacteria & Fungus 
  • Infused Within The Highest Quality, All Natural Body, Face & Hair Soaps
  • Infused Within The Highest Quality, All Natural Rejuvenating Skin Lotions

Silver Is A “Noble Metal” Like Platinum, Palladium and Gold and is NOT A “Heavy Metal” Such As Mercury, Lead or Plutonium.

10 PPM Colloidal Silver, Skin Rejuvenation Lotion, Body, Hair & Facial Bar Soaps.
10 PPM Colloidal Silver, Skin Rejuvenation Lotion, Body, Hair & Facial Bar Soaps.


Watch Mr Clark explain why our Colloidal  Silver maintains superiority and sets us apart from other manufacturers.

Who we are and who we are not:, is the exclusive distributor of Michael Clark’s Health, Skin & Hair Solutions, the highest quality Colloidal Silver Products. The cornerstone of this business, is 10 PPM Colloidal Silver, which has been tested and verified by an Independent Microbiological Lab, assuring you are purchasing a top rated, effective and qualified product for you and family. Click HERE for Independent Lab results.

Claiming 99.9% bacterial & fungus kill, is a very serious statement. Many or most suppliers, cannot substantiate their product claim with proof, but we do. Always ask for the (ILT) Independent Lab Test. If the supplier/seller does not, or will not show it to verify the quality and claims being made, you take great risk purchasing an inferior product. Their claims should be questioned immediately or we advise not to purchase such products. provides you with  the highest quality of All Natural Bar Soaps soaps/lotions and Colloidal Silver liquid products, to help prevent and help solve escalating bacterial/fungal issues.

  • *All Natural Antibacterial Bar Soaps for Body, Hair (shampoo), Face (skin toning)
  • *All Natural Antibacterial Lotions for Skin (non-greasy rejuvenating skin conditioner)
  • 10 PPM ILT Antibacterial Colloidal Silver Liquid ( “ILT” Verified 99.9% Kill Rate )

*All our natural products, Body, Face, Hair soaps, and Rejuvenating Skin Lotions, are blended with a proprietary system, using the highest quality natural oils, and infused with ILT 10 PPM Colloidal Silver. 

You need to know, we are not a company that will sell products we do not personally use, or products which do not meet the highest standards in quality. Our customers know and trust the products we sell, which is why we are growing with exceptional speed, and with caution to deliver only the best products to you too.

We are continually researching and experimenting with new antibacterial products, and there are many on the horizon we know you will be excited about.  We offer exceptional products at a great value, always enjoying the positive experiences from our loyal customers. To be fair, if the rare customer does have an issue with a product, we immediately take charge and satisfy the issue at hand.

Indep Microbiological Lab Test Results 99.9% Kill Rate
Indep Microbiological Lab Test Results 99.9% Kill Rate

Independent Lab Tests verifying 99.9% bacteria kill, scores of satisfied customers, and an overwhelming growth of online business, insures we are providing the highest quality products for the health and well-being of all our customers.

The proprietary process of blending and infusing Colloidal Silver into the Hair & Skin products, is a major leap forward for the products. Infusing Colloidal Silver, keeps the organics naturally stable, free from rotting and turning rancid.

Competitors are continually trying to emulate our superior quality products and fail, as their products do rot and turn rancid. Without proper blending and stabilization (infusing) techniques, nature’s process breaks down organic matter, leaving you with unstable, rotten smelling products only to be thrown away.   

Our years of experience, coupled with the passion to provide proven, high quality products, has afforded the opportunity to maintain unique long-term relationships with our clients. It’s a relationship you will want to join.

Demand for our unique products is growing very fast, and we’ve been running 8 days a week to keep up with production orders! Please accept our sincere apology, if you experience a small delay in your shipment. The online response has been overwhelmingly successful, and will always keep you updated on the status of your order.

See the Ultimate Starter Pak (almost 50% off retail) to try all our antibacterial high quality products. Hurry, LIMITED OFFER.

Rest assured, the products purchased are of the highest Colloidal Silver produced. Any credible supplier of Colloidal Silver Liquid, will possess verified testing results of their product. Always ask for this proof and look for their ILT, backing their claim(s).

Review the ILT (Independent Lab Test),  as we are very proud to provide you with the best Colloidal Silver products for Health, Skin & Hair, by Michael Clark’s Health, Hair & Skin Solutions.

ColloidalCare green Fade Bar


NOTE: You deserve the best all natural bacteria killing solution, and now have proof for assurance. Insisting on an ILT before purchasing any Colloidal Silver Liquid, clearly places you in a position of power, knowledge and now understand why our products, clearly stand above all others.

We eat, sleep, breathe, drink, laugh and cry over Colloidal Silver. Won’t you join us? 

ColloidalCare green Fade Bar

Colloidal Care Man Logo
[IMPORTANT NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: We are not doctors. We are the exclusive online distributors of Michael Clark’s Health, Hair and Skin Products, for your optimum healthy life style,  well-being. Therefore we cannot and do not offer medical advice. If you have a medical problem, please see your licensed physician. Self-treatment is not recommended. The FDA has not evaluated the information contained on this web site. In no manner, shape or form, are the Products distributed, or the information offered by or Michael Clark’s Health, Hair and Skin Products, intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are the subjective experiences of our customers and are not intended to be construed as being prescriptive in nature, nor a guarantee that the usage methods described are safe, effective or reliable, nor a guarantee that your results will be the same; individual results may vary. Additionally, the contents of this web site are strictly for information purposes only, and should not in any way be construed as providing or attempting to provide medical advice. Information on this web site is derived from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee, express or implied, can be made regarding the accuracy or reliability of same. Therefore readers are encouraged to verify for themselves and to their own satisfaction the accuracy and reliability of all reports, recommendations, conclusions, comments, and opinions. or Michael Clark’s Health, Hair and Skin Products, does not make any claims or promises as to health benefits accruing from the use of any product. There is plenty of publicly available independent documentation — both pro and con — regarding the uses and efficacy of colloidal silver and its long history in health and medicine. For a comprehensive overview, you may want to obtain a copy of The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual (547 pages, from Life & Health Research Group, LLC, 1-888-846-9029). and or Michael Clark’s Health, Hair and Skin Products, specifically disclaims responsibility or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred by the reader as a result of the application of any information included on this web site, FaceBook Page, online marketing material or as a result of the use or misuse of any product or supplement. You are solely responsible for your health and nutrition choices.]


2 thoughts on “Knowledge

  1. Betsy says:

    I have been using your products off & on for many years. I first heard of you when I was in Muskegon, MI and you did a presentation there @ Angel Reflections.(yep, that long ago) I still look for & purchase your products in my local health food stores in G.R. Recently, I saw a show about how a ‘structured water’ with colloidal silver is better, and will not drop the silver within the solution keeping it more bio-available and alkaline for the body. Here is the link for the show:
    I hope you don’t mind me sharing this with you. Do you have thoughts on this application for structured alkaline silver water?
    Thank you for all that you do. Sincerely, Betsy F.

    • admin says:

      Hello Betsy,
      Thank you for the share, I passed this info to Mike and we finally spoke.

      The issue is a bit complicated and simple, so here’s the simple overview without the handful of complicated issues… it’s not as easy as just adding structured water in lieu of steam distilled water.

      Mike did do research on structured water quite a while ago, because he was naturally curious to the hype of benefits touted as the latest, greatest.

      For properly made CS, you must start with pure water & we double steam distill the water to eliminate any impurities.

      This method also allows us to keep the original structure “sound” when making the silver liquid and consistent in every batch

      Consistency matters, because when we submit CS samples to the lab for testing results against the bacteria/fungus strains, our proprietary process can not change, unless our process fails in lab tests.

      So realizing, that if structured water changes the end product structure, it changes the lab tested proven products we have offered for almost 20 years.

      That said, change is good, we do it time to time with lotions, soaps etc, but not the CS, our flagship which is the basis of all our products.

      Structured water may have a beneficial use in many areas, however, this is a natures best and strongest antibacterial, not requiring any additional structural compounding in our opinion.

      Other than thousands of happy customers, our amazing 3rd party & unbiased certified microbiological lab tests, back up our product and methods.

      These unbiased, 3rd party lab tests, (which 99% of CS suppliers do not have), gives us the proof of purity and kill rate performance, unmatched by all others.

      I’m sure you can see, changing the proven product is not a beneficial action and makes us curious if the structured water is the selling point, if the CS is not up to par…. not sure.

      Always insist on 3rd party lab tests no matter who you purchase from, because if the supplier doesn’t have it tested, you & the supplier have no idea what you are buying…

      Are currently buying/using colloidal silver from anyone?

      Hope this made sense and answered your questions.

      All the best health to you,
      The Team

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