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10 PPM Colloidal Silver ILT Water

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Is quality important you? Then you’ll absolutely love our Colloidal Silver and understand why we are becoming a leader in the industry.
CLICK HERE NOW & WATCH why the Argyria scare (The Blue Skin People) is not produced from our superior “ILT” Colloidal Silver, and why you benefit.
Creating the highest quality of Colloidal Silver in the industry, is substantiated by the Independent Microbiological Lab Tests on our 10 PPM Colloidal Silver water. The test verifies 99.9% Bacteria & Fungus Kill within an amazing 4 minutes on :
- Candida Albicans
- Salmonella Typhimurium
- Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
- Enterococcus Faecalis
- Trichophyton Rubrum
- Staphylococcus Aureus
Click Here & understand the common names of the above Bacteria’s & Fungus. conditions.
Proper production methods help us gain this qualification and we start with the very basic of pure and clean H20.
Steam distilled purified water, enhanced by our proprietary electrification of the Silver production process, keeps the silver highly charged and in suspension (for 19 years to date).
Independent Microbiological Lab Tests Prove, our 10 PPM Colloidal Silver kills 99.99% Bacteria & Fungus. No more worries of buying unproven Colloidal Silver, giving you assurance you’re getting the highest quality “ILT” Colloidal Silver.
Colloidal Care Is The Exclusive Distributor For Michael Clark’s Health, Skin & Hair Solutions, the highest proven quality Colloidal Silver Products we’ve found. offers natural antibacterial soaps, antibacterial lotions and Colloidal Silver liquid products. All to help prevent and solve escalating bacterial, viral and fungal issues, by using Nature’s amazing gifts.
A proprietary process of blending & infusing ILT 10 PPM Colloidal Silver into the Natural Soaps and Natural Lotions, creates the benefits of deep cleaning, moistening and protecting/rejuvenating the skin with the armor of Colloidal Silver.
The wonderful vegetable based All Natural Soaps are very gentle and yet effective. There are 9 very pleasing scents, and add a few more during the holiday season which are crowd pleasers too. For Hypoallergenic issues, the unscented products are the same high quality as scented, but typically preferred to be safe and avoid any complications of having a reaction from our natural scented products. The infused ILT 10 PPM Colloidal Silver, will keep the organic compounds in the soaps & very stable, free from rotting and turning rancid. The proprietary infusion process is why the competitors products fail, turning rancid when they try to replicate our quality.
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What will the antibacterial, nano-colloidal silver particle infused products do for you?
Our products will help you and your family inside and out, stay ahead of the looming bacteria and fungus resistance, which the CDC has warned may be out of control very soon.
From topical to internal applications, use the ILT 10 PPM Colloidal Silver Water for major bacterial & fungal fighting power for great health. Safe enough for your baby and pets with no adverse effects.
Topical use only, the All Natural Body, Hair & Face Bars have you covered head to toe with cleaning supremacy. The All Natural Rejuvenating Skin Lotion, protects, rejuvenates and moistens the skin on sensitive skin areas, serious problem areas and delicate enough for everyday use too.
Colloidal silver has been used from the beginning of time and is still “Nature’s natural germ destroyer.” It’s still very prevalent today (as hundreds of years ago) in medical procedures for cuts, burns, infections, fungus, cleaning and more, always solving problems the medical community tries to manipulate. It is and has been the most powerful and effective natural antibiotic on this earth. It is the oldest proven form of fighting germs and bacteria, with antibacterial, antifungal & antiviral killing properties.
Why is Colloidal Silver so powerful and effective?

Nano-Colloidal Silver completely encapsulates bacteria with a wall of bacteria fighting armor. This natural process suffocates & stops the bacteria growth from mutating or penetrating beyond the silver’s natural “armor like” encapsulation process.
Man made antibiotics will never be as effective, because they cannot encapsulate & suffocate bacteria. This is why medicinal remedies allow the bacterias to fight back, mutate and become even stronger than before. Once Bacteria locates a host, it only knows how to survive, and does so at all costs.
Watch this alarming video now before it’s taken down: “CDC Head Concerned About a Post-antibiotic Era” ( or read the following article below.
An Independent Lab Test Verifies
Our Colloidal 10PPM Colloidal Silver Kills 99.9% Bacteria & Fungus Listed Below

Candida Albicans
Yeast infections
(A Casual Agent Of Opportunistic Oral & Genital Infections In Humans That Live In The Mouth & Gastrointestinal Tract)

Enterococcus Faecalis
Urinary and bladder infections
(Urinary/Bladder Infections, Can Cause Life-Threatening Infections In Humans)

Salmonella Typhimurium
Food Poisoning
(Typically Causes Invasive Infection)

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Bone, Ear, Eyes, Skin Infections
(Difficult to Kill, Resistant To Many Pharmaceutical Antibiotics, Typically Infects The Airway, Urinary Tract, Burns, Wounds, & Also Causes Other Blood Infections, in immunocompromised individuals)

(Staph Infection)
Staphylococcus Aureus
Commonly Known As Staph Infection & Has mutated Over 40 Times
( It’s The Base Bacteria For MRSA, A Common Cause Of Skin Infections, Such As Abscesses, Respiratory Infections Such As Sinusitis, & Food Poisoning, & Can Be Transmitted From An Infected Wound, Skin-To-Skin Contact, Plus Towels, Sheets, Clothing, Athletic Equip etc)

Trichophyton Rubrum
(Most Common Result Is Athlete’s Foot, Jock Itch, Ringworm, Nail & Hand Palm Infections)
Why is Colloidal Silver so powerful and effective?
Nano-Colloidal Silver completely encapsulates bacteria with a wall of bacteria fighting armor. This natural process suffocates & stops the bacteria growth from mutating or penetrating beyond the silver’s natural “armor like” encapsulation process. After the bacteria is killed by Colloidal Silver, the silver does not dissipate and become non-existent. Rather, it creates a reservoir of silver and continues to kill live bacteria.
Antibiotics are not near as effective, because they cannot encapsulate & suffocate bacteria. This is why medicinal remedies allow the bacterias to fight back, mutate and become even stronger than before.
Watch this alarming video now before it’s taken down: “CDC Head Concerned About a Post-antibiotic Era” ( or read the following article below.
Neglected & Never Considered………
Think about it for a minute. Not only that, it’s a chemical shit storm from using commercial poison cleaners, which weaken and destroys fabrics, and they do not kill bacteria.
The washing machine is a bacteria breeding nightmare from dirty underwear, work clothes, bath towels and kitchen cloths all mixed together. You wipe your dishes and hands on daily, and expect the clothes are clean as well. In reality, how clean is that? We’ve solved this issue, and more to come when avail.
Stay Tuned::: Antibacterial/Biodegradable Non-Toxic Laundry Kreeme and Liquid, for cleaner clothes, makes clothes last longer, no need for bleach, chemically sensitive people will have a solution because it’s antibacterial. Works safely in today’s HO washers and is much less expensive than the chemically poisoning brand names we often use.
Try Our All Natural Shampoo Bars, For Dry & Oily Hair.
NOTE: Our high standards are above all others compared to most, if not all Colloidal Silver suppliers. The product quality in all the Natural Products, keeps our long term customers very happy, and gives our new clients the best antibacterial products on the market.